Clinics We Offer
Services Available
- Alcohol Service
- Asthma Clinic
- Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Cervical Smear and Well Woman Clinic
- Child Health Clinic Childhood Immunisations
- Counselling
- Diabetes Clinic
- Elderly Screening
- Family Planning
- Heart Disease Prevention
- Maternity Care (Antenatal/Postnatal)
- Minor Injuries Service
- Minor Surgery
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatry
- Sexual Health
- Smoking Cessation Clinic
- Teenage Health
- Well Man Clinic
Over 75's
We offer an annual check-up to all patients aged 75 years and over—please book an appointment to see your GP or practice nurse.

Emergency Contraception Service
Emergency Hormonal Contraception pills (sometimes called 'the morning after pill') must be taken within 72 hours (3 days) of having sex. These pills are most effective if taken within 12 hours. You can get these pills for free from any of our clinics or from a participating pharmacy. It is advisable to check that a trained pharmacist is on site prior to attending.
Some pharmacies across County Durham and Darlington may have amended their opening hours due to COVID-19. Please check with individual pharmacies for details. Click below to see participating pharmacies in your area: Local pharmacies offering free emergency contraception service
Sexual Health Services
In Durham the Sexual Health services are provided by the local hospital trust, CDDFT. You can find information about their services and how to access them on their website below.
Their services include:
- Sexual health screening (AKA STI Check)
- Contraceptive services including IUD/Coils

Stop Smoking Service
Stopping smoking is really hard, but makes a huge difference to your health and finances.
County Durham has an excellent Smoking Cessation service that can help you quit. They are able to arrange medication and other support to help you stop for good.
Alcohol & Drug Recovery Service
County Durham Drug & Alcohol Recovery Services offer a range of free, confidential and non-judgmental services for individuals and their families whose lives are effected by drugs and/or alcohol, and who live within County Durham.
Their aim is to support people to stay safe and live happier, healthier lives, free from drugs and alcohol.
Accessing the service: CALL 03000 266666

NHS Digital Weight Management Program
The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme
The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme supports adults living with obesity who also have a diagnosis of diabetes or hypertension or both, to manage their weight and improve their health.
The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme is a 12-week online behavioural and lifestyle programme. People can access it via a smartphone or computer with internet access.
The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme is freely available to refer into now from all General Practices.
Why is this programme important?
Obesity is a serious health concern which increases the risk of many other health conditions. For example, Type 2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, joint problems, mental health problems, and some cancers. There is also evidence to suggest that people living with obesity are at higher risk of more severe outcomes associated with COVID-19.
The programme offers three different levels of support, including human coaching for groups who may be less likely to complete behavioural and lifestyle change programmes, with the aim of reducing health inequalities. This includes those of younger (working) age, people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds, men, and people living in more deprived communities.
The online programme provides an alternative way of accessing weight management support. In the context of COVID-19, it means people can complete it whilst social distancing is in place.
Who can access the programme?
The programme offers free, online access to weight management services for those who have a BMI greater than 30 and who also have diabetes or high blood pressure, or both. The BMI threshold will be lower at 27.5 for people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds, as we know people from these ethnic backgrounds are at an increased risk of conditions such as Type 2 diabetes at a lower BMI.
The programme is only available to people with a smartphone or computer with internet access.
Local Authority’s may offer weight management services that may be more appropriate if the NHS Digital Weight Management Programme is not suitable. Please contact the Practice if this is something you want to be referred to.
For full details see

First Contact Physiotherapy
First Contact Physiotherapy
Adult MSK physiotherapy services sit within the community care group of CDDFT and is focused solely on delivering improved community services in County Durham and Darlington and enabling people to live independent and fulfilling lives for as long as possible.
They work closely with the Practice and provide quick access to Physiotherapy closer to home and bypassing the need for Primary care to refer into this service thereby improving access to critical services like this.
For more info please see below click on below links: